
2025 has come (My Goals 2025)

Because the author is a non-native English speaker, the grammar may be incorrect.

Happy new year! The second half of the 2020s has begun.
…Uh, okay, how do we deal with the fact?

What was it like 10 years ago?

2015 was 10 years ago… the fact doesn’t really surprise me anymore. Maybe now I get used to accept the “10 years ago” too much.

Trends of 2015

  • Birth of Splatoon series
  • Mario Maker
  • Window 10

10th anniversary of Splatoon this year! I hope Nintendo will celebrate this in some way. Mario is 40th anniversary too.
Can’t believe Windows 10 is so old. It still looks pretty modern, doesn’t it?

Looking back on 2024

Separated into an article below. Take a look!

My goals of 2025

Find publisher(s) of my game

I’ll have to make it almost complete to realize that. But how should I do?

Learning English: Try to copy pronunciation every day

I still have trouble listening to English. I needed to speak English on business meetings last year, so I have to hurry and improve my skill. Use anything I can use such as movie, English dubbed anime, presentation videos about my fav games on YouTube, and so on.

Become a person who lives STYLISH life

I’m not sure what “stylish life” is, but I want to copy the way how stylish people do, such as fashion, hairstyle and where they go in daily life.

Because I voted Team Fame on the Splatfest that the theme was “Money vs. Fame vs. Love” without hesitation, so I…

Annual New-Year’s artwork

…is not ready yet, sorry. I was so busy working on the website renewal.
I put the picture of me sitting on the bench instead.
